Ethereum (ETH)
Current Gas Price:
100 Gwei
Gas Limit per Block:
12,500,000 Units
To use ChangeGas with MetaMask:
- Make sure you have MetaMask installed and set up in your browser.
- Connect your MetaMask wallet to the Ethereum network.
- Open ChangeGas and it will automatically fetch the gas price and limit for Ethereum.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Current Gas Price:
20 Gwei
Gas Limit per Block:
10,000,000 Units
To use ChangeGas with MetaMask on Binance Smart Chain:
- Make sure you have MetaMask installed and set up in your browser.
- Switch your network to Binance Smart Chain in MetaMask.
- Open ChangeGas and it will automatically fetch the gas price and limit for Binance Smart Chain.
Polygon (MATIC)
Current Gas Price:
50 Gwei
Gas Limit per Block:
15,000,000 Units
To use ChangeGas with MetaMask on Polygon:
- Make sure you have MetaMask installed and set up in your browser.
- Switch your network to Polygon in MetaMask.
- Open ChangeGas and it will automatically fetch the gas price and limit for Polygon.